Always flat and level. But I was inclined to think it may be a fuel
drainback problem. Anybody else?
>One thing that springs to my mind is the orientation of the car when
>parked. Is it always parked facing uphill at your house, and/or always
>parked facing downhill at work? Under such circumstances I could
>imagine that the fuel pump would have a hard time passing fuel through a
>(perhaps partially clogged) fuel line in the morning, but gravity would
>gradually fill the float bowls while you're busy earning your millions.
>Blind guesses aren't very accurate, though. I suggest installing a
>clear fuel filter so that you can actually observe what's happening each
>time you cold-start it. At the least, you could pop open the float
>bowls and check the fuel level each time.
>Todd Mullins
> On the lovely Mississippi (USA) Coast
>'74 MGB Tourer that needs a new fuel filter itself
>That's me at the corner.
>That's me at the stoplight,
>Losing my transmission...