Hello Randy:
1. Warm the engine to normal op. temp.
2. Remove the dizzy cap and rotor.
3. Hook up remote starter switch.
4. If your system is positive ground (earth) go to 4a. Connect the dwell
meter red or positive lead to the coil's negative terminal. Connect meter's
black or negative lead to a good engine ground.
4a. If you are running positive ground (as the Good Lord intended all MGs
to do) you must hook the red or positive dwell meter lead to a good engine
ground and the black or negative d.m. lead to the coil's postive terminal.
5. Read the dwell meter while cranking the engine with your remote starter
switch. The indicated dwell angle should be between 57 and 63 degrees. If
it is out of spec, loosen the point plate screw enough to allow for
movement of the plate. Increase the point gap for less dwell angle;
decrease the point gap for more dwell angle.
6. When the reading is correct, tighten the point plate screw and recheck
to assure that it didn't change.
The above assumes clean or new breaker points, new or unbroken dizzy cap
and rotor. If you don't have remote starter switch you should consider
disconnecting coil high tension lead to distributor and grounding coil.
Good luck,
David F. Darby
I dwell in Taney County, Missouri
> Can someone explain how to set dwell? I can't find it in the Haynes
> manual an anywhere.
> >