I have not run across any helpful diagrams that make life in the
electron lane easier. Something that has helped me understand the
diagrams is to go after them with white out. I make multiple copies of
the diagram, then white out the areas that I am not interested in.
Example: Trace just the ignition circuit wiring (white wire). White
out everything else. Then make a copy so it is easy to read (without
the lumps). By doing this for each major circuit you will get an idea
of how each connects. Split them up into the following categories.
Lighting Blue, Blue/white, Blue/red, red
Ignition White
Fused Ign. Switched Green, Green w/tracers (red, yellow, white, etc)
Charging. Brown, Brown/yellow
Switched Negative Purple
I hope this helps.
Trevor Boicey wrote:
> J. Adrian Barnes wrote:
> > Are there wiring diagrams for the schematicly-impaired, that say "the
> > white wire with the green stripe connects to the little terminal just
> > under your headlight" instead of lots of unrecognizable lines and
> > symbols?
> My suggestion would be to buy neon highlighter markers for
> every wiring colour, and ink up the diagram to make it look
> more like the car. Then take your time.
> --
> .---------------------------------------Ottawa-Canada-GOSENSGO-----.
> / Trevor Boicey 1992 Celica GT 1975 MG Midget /
> `----- ------------------------------------------'