> I haven't seen any new mail in two days, has the list died
> or is it a problem on our end, or does nobody have anything
> to talk about.
Nope not it at all, this week is "Clean out the Internet Week" all servers
are shut down and the people at CERN in Switzerland get to go thru every
Internet server and clean out the cobwebs and junk. I have authorized
clearance and this is why you will get my message.
> (BTW I'm having trouble with this cat .... :):):)
> (Oh, and what does MOWOG stand for anyway ..... :):):)
Just don't pull a Dan Hughes :-)
Is the list working
Is the list working
Is the list working
Is the list working
Is the list working
Is the list working
Is the list working
Is the list working
> It was good seeing, a bunch of you at carlise. Nice to put
> some faces with the names. Having never been to carlise, before
> I was somewhat disapionted with the show field as it seemed
> like there was a lack of cars. Was it just the weather or what.
I don't know of any one that went to CARLISE, I do know people that went to
Carlisle! To be technical you still haven't been to Carlisle :-)
Kai M. Radicke -- mowogmg@pil.net
1966 MGB -- http://www.pil.net/~mowogmg
Dialogue Internet -- dialog@pil.net
Intelligent Internet Solutions