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RE: Rebuild on a 1275

To: <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>, <>
Subject: RE: Rebuild on a 1275
From: <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 22:12:36 -0400
Kelly Deffendall wrote:

>A question for those familiar with the A series 1275. A friend
>of mine has asked me to help him re-build his 1275 engine
>this summer.  I have looked for "Tuning BL's A Series Engine"
>at a bookstore, only to find that it's out of print.
>How would I find a copy (new or used) of this book, or could
>one of you suggest an alternative?  My experience is with the
>1800 engine and one Tr**mph six rebuild.

Give APT a call at 1-800-APT-FAST ... tell them ya want part
number B-01 'Tuning BL's A Series Engine' (2nd ED) ... this
is Vizard's place of employment so there is a good chance
that they will still have copies.  While your are on the phone
ask for a copy of their catalog ... lots of 'Go Fast Goodies'
... ARP fastners ... K&N Filters ... Rim-Flow Valves ...
'Wedged' cranks ... 8^)

I'm not affiliated with APT ... usual disclaimers apply.

Safety Fast! ...
'61 MGA 1600 MkII Roadster

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