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Re: Tell me it aint so!

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net, Kelvin Dodd <>
Subject: Re: Tell me it aint so!
From: Paul Hunt <>
Date: Sun, 11 May 1997 15:49:08 +0000
Kelvin Dodd wrote:
> The ubiquitous "safety guage"
>         IMHO one of the cool bits that makes an LBC.  Combined oil
> pressure and water temp in one easy to read unit.  What a neat idea!
>         It is one of those make or break parts tho.  The temp side has
> an alcohol filled capillary tube.  When it breaks it's time to rebuild
> or replace.  The good news is that it is rebuildable by most of the
> Smiths specialists  (MOMAR, Nisonger etc)  There is also a nice repro on
> the market if your guage face is ugly.  Please, please, please don't try
> to have "a better idea".  I've seen way too many cars with tacky el
> cheapo water temp guages slung under the dashboard.  The original unit
> is still pretty good value for money when you compare the price of two
> high quality (Sun/S.Warner) guages.
>         When installing the coolant probe, use antisieze.  In fact
> invest in a bucket of the stuff.  Better living through chemicals.
> Pulling engines and suspensions apart after long years between rebuilds
> is so much easier.  I'm actually looking forward to rebodying my 65 B
> because I know that all the fasteners will come apart readily
> Kelvin.
> Mark Iansiti wrote:
> >
> > Jim said...
> >
> > >Also, tracing out the other way, the temp sender is mounted in the head
> > >rather than the radiator - is this normal?  The "tube" running from the
> > >temp sender is partially missing.  The manual that this thing is filled
> > >with mercury??????  Are they available?  I could not find in the Vickie
> > >catalog, nor the Mini Mania.
> > >
> > >Thanks for any ideas/tips
> > >
> > >Jim          
> > >
> > >
> > >'70 Midget
> >
> > OH MY GOODNESS (Stronger explative intended), You are right, VB doesn't list
> > that sending unit/line/cable/thermo-couple... I just pulled the engine in my
> > 70 Migdet to replace the clutch (going well so far, thank you for your
> > concern) and the fitting in the block could not be separated from the
> > fitting on the end of the ..thermocouple? I v-e-r-y c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y
> > unbolted the fitting from the block while gently twisting the
> > ...thermo-couple?...All is well at this point, BUT, I now have to v-e-r-y
> > c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y wrench that puppy back in once the engine goes back in.
> > The 64 thousand dollar question is.. will it twist enough just one more time
> > - and if it doesn't what can be done?
> >
> > Is it in fact, really filled with mercury?  If it breaks on the way in, can
> > a replacenment be found?  Don't mean to sound anything but 'british car
> > cool', but I've had one b*tch of a day and I had put this little problem
> > behind me...but I'm almost done, and I will have to deal with it, and JIM
> > had to bring it up... Thanks Jim!
> >
> > At least we can both get an answer now... on the other hand, mine could go
> > in without a hitch......ya, right.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> > Mark
> > 70 Midget
> > 74 Spitfire
> > 60 Bugeye
> > 76 TR7 (I was a 'find')
> > 77 TR7 (parts - came with the 'find')
> >
> >


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