[BOUNCE mgs@Autox.Team.Net: Admin request: /^subject:\s*help\b/i]
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 17:29:53 -0600
From: "The Johnson's" <MGPILOT@prodigy.net>
Subject: Help-My Grease Cap is Stuck
You guys(which includes the gals) have been a great help in the past
hopefully you can help me with the problem I'm having now. (My husband says
life is an adventure and you learn something new everyday-seems like MGs
more than prove that fact)
I'm trying to take my front suspension apart on my 70B to put on new hubs
and various other parts. For some reason the grease caps(wire wheels)
refuse to come out. I have made the tool with bolts and nuts but they
refuse to budge. Has anyone else had this problem-I'm getting ready to
toss them and by rebuilt swivel axles, but that really wasn't in my budget.
If I can't get them off would used swivel axles work OK-I all ready have
new king pins.
Thanks for any help or suggestions, the frustration is really starting to
get bad. I know you guys all drink beer, but my girlfriend and I judge the
job by how many wine coolers it will take. Maybe if we switch to English
ale the caps will come out-I'm willing to try -think it would work?
Kathy Johnson