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Re: Cruise Control

Subject: Re: Cruise Control
From: (Barney Gaylord)
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 03:23:14 EDT
On Sun, 27 Apr 1997 01:09:40 +0100 Robert Allen <>

>The Summit Catalog ( lists an EQUUS cruise
control that will pace itself off the negative side of the coil for
$99.99. 12 volt negative ground only. Part# EQU-9000. (330-630-3030).
>J. C. Whitney has a cruie control that is described almost identically
to the EQUUS unit without specifying a brand name. It is $89.99 and
carries part number 13NZ6486P.

Same part, EQUUS -- I got one from JCW on sale for $69.99.  Otherwise 10%
off or free shipping, or free gift, depending on which catalog your
looking at.

>They also list a Clutch Switch for $9.99 and it carries part number

Forget the clutch switch.  No place to wire it in on the EQUUS unit.  You
depress the clutch when the C/C is on, the engine speeds up 20%, the C/C
computer senses the sudden change of speed and shuts it down.

> ..... There were words that you may need to purchase a vacuum resvior
cylinder if your motor is a 4-holer or less.

Vacuum reservoir may be a good idea.  On my MGA I get slow response on
the C/C at 1/2 throttle, almost no response at 3/4 throttle,  suspect
limited vacuum available to be the problem.  I will be trying a small
vcuum reservoir soon.

Recently put the same C/C unit on an MGC, gets instant response, perfect
operation, very steady speed control.  Bigger engine makes a big
difference, no vacuum problem there.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA

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