I know there was some talk awhile back about tire sizes with regards to
handling, etc. but my dilemma is of a different nature:
My BGT has the brakes completely off (I'm replacing some bushings in the
meantime) and I just went to buy some tires today. Problem is, I'm not
going to be able to get the brakes and such put on until this weekend and I
have no idea if the tires I bought today will work.
The originals were 165/60sr14 and (mistakingly) bought 185/60r14 today --
all four, had them mounted and balanced...I'm afraid they might be too
wide!! In which case I'll need to take them back tomorrow so they won't
screw me over with extra charges.
So, does anyone have any 185/60's on their BGT that works?
I sure hope so!
71BGT in the driveway on 4 jackstands (ugh)