In <>, RAY WYGONIK wrote:
>Sorry if this is a repeat, got a message it wasn't delivered.
>What is proper way to test a coil? Test it hot or cold? Live or disconnected?
>Can it be tested with an ohm meter and if so what would I be reading?
You need specialized equipment to test it hot. Most common approach
is to use an oscilloscope. Ohmmeter won't tell you anything (other
than whether the coil is continuous). The problem is that under heat
the insulation can break down and the spark gets weak. This is not
obvious if the engine is not running.
The way I test coils is to drive the car. If it sputters after a few
minutes, go to AutoZone or some such and get a $10 generic coil (of
the type that does not require a resistor). Put it in, see if things
improve. Cheaper than an oscilloscope.
A. B. Bonds