> IMHO I believe that there is the distinct possibility that deer whistles do
> nothing but your mind thinks that they do. In other words, the application of
> the whistles and the observation that deer and other critters vacate the road
> area may be an illusory relationship. I remember thinking, after installing
> my first pair of deer whistlers on my 69B daily driver, how all the deer
> seemed to be leaping away from me as hurled on down the road. Later, while
> driving the land battleship (93 Chevy Caprice station wagon), without the
> benefit of the deer whistlers, I began to notice the same phenomenon. The
> point is that once I installed the whistlers on my lbc my perception and
> expectations changed - not the deer's behavior!!
I am very much inclined to agree with you. The only caviat I have with it
is the type of folk that many of the motorcycle only magazines have used to
study. As far as Bobby and Bobby Boop go, I tend to ignore them and their
"endorsements" of products. Heck, they buy gas line magnets and such too.
But when it's serious, very good riders, especially ones that live in deer
country, and they are noting a result, it makes me wonder. Not so much the
claims about seeing deer run away. That's not what they are reporting. Instead
it's a substantial reduction in the number of deer seen at all. That's a horse
of a different collor (or a deer of a different rack).
That all said, I don't have them on my cars or my bikes, and have no
intention of purchasing or mounting them.
Oh, about the gas, my old Beetle ran much better with a full tank then a near
tank. Especially up hills. But I think you know why... :-)