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Re: Smogging the B -Reply

To: The English Connection <>
Subject: Re: Smogging the B -Reply
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 01:01:41 -0800 (PST)
On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, The English Connection wrote:

> > Yes, but 99% is "up there", not down here where we live. >>>>SNIP>>>>

> Take offs happen at ground level, not "up there'>>>>>> 
Yes, but time a take-off... and remember that noise controls prevent a
full throttle climb out over populated areas until at least 5k ft.

> I've often wondered about the pollution from a jet aircraft's engines
> upon take off, and how it compares to, say, a year's motoring in my MG

The big problem for crops, and C.O.P.D. patients is Nitrous Oxide(s)

> TD, and I also wonder if any studies have been done by farmer's
> scientific advisors as to how the growth of crops might be affected on

Apparently, the plant cells are directly affected by the chemicals in
the smog, not the slight reduction in sunlight.  They just can't handle
the chemical soup that they ingest.

>   I feel that pollution is a most important issue with which to be
> concerned, especially as both myself and two of my daughters suffer from
> mild asthma and hayfever, irritated on high pollution days.  However, I

I've had years of allergy shots myself, and my wife suffers from asthma.
She has two types of inhalers that she uses.  She is much more
suseptiple (sp?) during the summer months, but we even take them with us
when we go skiing in the winter.

Note that when kids are involved, mild asthma can be deadly.  My wife's
school district lost a kid on the soccer field due to asthma because he
had left his inhaler in his locker in the school.
> also feel it is most important that we LBC owners, and others interested
> in enjoying our vehicles be dealt with on a fair basis, and we probably

That's the problem.  There just aren't enough of us to cause a problem,
yet the system hasn't made allowances for us.  I have a B as a daily
driver, and I don't think I've seen more than two other BMC products on
the road during rush hour...

> need an organisation like perhaps, COVA, to lobby effectively on our
> behalf.

It would be nice if they would give us the same deal that the big semi's
were given; ie they said that it wasn't cost effective to test the big
diesels because there wasn't enough of them to cause much pollution.

TTUL8r, Kirk Cowen

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