I have been sitting here at lunch enjoying a book published in 1975. It
M.G.: THE SPORTS CAR AMERICA LOVED FIRST, An illustrated history of
M.G.s in the U.S.A., by Richard L. Knudson.
In the section on advertising there is a series of ads which are over
Cecil Kimber's signature, he speculates that Kimber probably didn't
write them. We can assume he at least approved what was placed above
his signature. On page 173 there is an ad which says
whose organization handles our publicity, has prevailed on me to give a
series of personal messages in our advertisements.
For instance, so many people who do not know, ask 'What do the
letters M.G. stand for?'
They don't stand for "More Ginger" though that would be applicable.
They were given as a complement to Lord Nuffield, being the initial
letter of the Morris Garage which was his original business, and from
which the M.G. in particular and all his other vast enterprises have
Another log on the What does...? fire.