For the third time in recent days, seconds after my computer has
down-loaded all my messages from the list, I have had an Application
Error message and everything has locked up, so I've had to shut the
computer down. Obviously, this means I lost all my messages before being
able to read them.
I realise I can obtain a re-posting of all the day's messages on the list
itself, thanks to Mark's neat system, but I lost any mail addressed to us
directly. So, if you sent anything to Britcars in the last few days, and
feel it was important, please re-post it. Since the crash doesn't happen
every time, maybe your message will get through!
BTW, we're setting up a Web Page and will have both its URL and a new
e-mail address available shortly. Then I won't have to worry about this
Juno problem again!
British Sportscar Center