Well I finally got a hold of Floyd and after some discussion it looks like
I'm going to pick my car up this weekend unfinished. The car originally went
in for rockers and floors. I think the right side is pretty well done, the
left side was just getting started last time I saw it. The windshield is
off, the front left fender is off as I remember. I have no welding
experience, but I have a friend who is a fair shadetree body man (at least
on American iron). Would it be foolhardy for me to attempt this job with his
help? Any tips on trailer hauling other than being careful not to crush the
brake lines with the tie downs? This is an MGB by the way, quit a different
animal from the TD. (I've been having good luck working on the TD.) Are B's
really so different that regular body shops can't handle them?
>Does anyone in the Indianapolis area know what has happened to Floyd's Body
Shop? My MGB is one year over due, the place is locked up tight and I am no
longer able to contact the proprietor. I understand that, short of
kidnapping your own car, only a court action can retrieve your property
under these circumstances. Any free legal advice? I promise not to make any
more lawyer jokes.
>P.S. I wouldn't have posted this on the open list, but I am desperate. If
Floyd finally comes through I will let everyone know.
Bob Donahue, Still Stuck in the '50s
53 MG-TD under DIY restoration
71 MGB still in shop, 17 months and counting