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RE: What does USR X2 stand for ?

Subject: RE: What does USR X2 stand for ?
From: "doug russell" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 97 15:02:13 UT
Well said.

-----Original Message-----
From:  On Behalf Of
Sent:   Saturday, March 15, 1997 4:00 PM
Subject:        Re: What does USR X2 stand for ?

 I think you need to go somewhere and calm down a bit.

 You have missed the whole point (I think) of this thread.

  Computers are tools. Period. They are NOT perfect, omnipotent, or the
answer to a maidens dreams.

  No one has flamed your choice of vocations. Go for it. Become the best
techie you can be, whether as a programer, engineer, designer or whatever.

 But Just remember, the world does not revolve around you and your
aspirations. What is nirvana to you is simply boring to the next guy. 

 And before you get the flame mood engaged, I've been there. The first job I
took after college was as a programmer/system analyst for a computer firm in
a near by town. Part of my job was to work with our customers to fit the
system to their needs an train their employees in it's use. I was only
moderatly successful intil I learned that they couldn't care less about the
bit and pieces inside, etc.  All they wanted to know, was, Will it do what I

  Ask yourself, do you REALLY want to know the technical details in the
manufacture of a new Craftsman socket set?  I doubt it. What you really want
to know is does it work, and work well.

  Too many times you'll find that the Jargonists are really trying to impress
someone with their knowledge(?) but most of all to lend a bit of mystic to
what they do. They don't really want people to understand them, just be in


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