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Re: What does USR X2 stand for ?

To: "MG List" <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>, <>
Subject: Re: What does USR X2 stand for ?
From: "Kai Radicke" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 15:08:46 -0500
It just a stupid USR way of saying Second Generation.

The X2 is a 56k version of an anolog modem, like the one that is in your
PC.  It can recieve 56k, but it can only send at 33.6k.  But the other side
of the connection (AOL or ISP) most have a USR modemrack that is capable of
X2 and that the modem rack is connected to a PRI digital connection to
achieve the 56k.  

I wouldn't buy an X2 modem I would get the ROCKWELL/LUCENT version of 56k. 
It is called 56kFlex or somethink like that.  Same rules as the X2 but you
can send at 45k.  Also more ISPs have Rockwell based chips in there modems.
So get a Modem with a ROCKWELL CHIPSET.  

And these 2 technologies may disappear, because the Internatial Standards
is now getting involved.  So we might have a combination of the 2, or
either one.

My advice, wait until July.  And see if there is a standard, if not get the

Also MAJOR Internet NEWS: 3COM just bought US Robotics and x2.  3COM says
it won't use x2.  Cardnal the other x2 company was just bought by Hayes. 
Hayes is also a rockwell based company, bye bye x2.  If anyone wants the
full discussion on this, I will put the text files in a zip and mass email
it or put it in my FTP account.


Kai M. Radicke --
1966 MGB --

Webmaster --
Dialogue Internet --       

> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: What does USR X2 stand for ?
> Date: Friday, March 14, 1997 9:01 AM
> In a message dated 97-03-13 17:22:30 EST, you write:
> <<  The USR X2 thread has continued  non-stop since decemeber, a
>  world record for junk threads.
>   Regards,
>   Kai M. Radicke - >>
> So, Kai,     What is a USR X2?
>                                                 R2D2

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