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Re: LBC rollbars

To: "Richard H. Cady" <>, mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: LBC rollbars
Date: Mon, 03 Mar 97 15:33:00 PST
I believe I was the thread starter when I asked about removing the roll bar 
my 67 MGB.  I agree, a roll bar detracts from the appearance.  I ultimately 
removed it and filled the holes with rubber plugs I got from Moss (Call them 
the part number.) The chances of rolling a B are slim, but there are some 
who feel more comfortable having the added protection.  For them, I am offering 
my installed, but never used, roll bar for $115 plus shipping.

67 Roadster
Subject: LBC rollbars
From:    "Richard H. Cady" <> at Internet
Date:    3/3/97  5:04 PM

Hi All,

My 1970 MGB roadster is pretty much stock and appears that way except for
having a roll bar.  I believe the bar would provide some protection if I
ever did roll the car.   The 2" x .120" bar is securely mounted with 1/4"
steel pads reinforcing both sides of the sheet metal below the bar and
bolted with grade 8 bolts.

The reason that I am writing is because I am contemplating removing the roll
bar because I feel it diminishes from the classic lines of the car.  The
roll bar seems to give the "impression" that the vehicle is souped up.  One
thing I can't stand are modifications that only "look performance".  Of
course a roll bar only adds safety - no performance can ever be gained from one.
Removing the roll bar would bring the car back to looking more stock - but
at what cost? Granted the chance of an accident where I would use the roll
bar is unlikely, but this chance does exist.  The chances are probably
increased since I like to drift it through corners when the opportunity
presents itself.

I guess I'm extending an invitation for flames on the idea of removing the
roll bar. 
Any ideas on this topic are requested to help convince me what a bad idea it is.


1970 MGB roadster

(My apologies as this thread went around 4-5 months ago, but I only caught
the very 
end of it.)

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