> Paul and/or any other list member residing in the UK...
> As you probably know, MG Enthusiast Magazine in the Feb. '97 issue, had
> an article on Gordon Teigh and his disc brake conversions. They listed
> only a telephone number (01642 781883) for Gordon.
> I would like to know if any of you have experience with doing business
> with Gordon. I would like a mailing address for him. I am interested =
> knowing if his conversions can be assembled into kits which can be
> installed by the typical home mechanic.
> I would like to explore importing these kits.
> Dick 8>)
> Vintage Parts & Products
> Camarillo, CA
> Have MG will travel
Assembled the following for David Langton in Canada, hope it helps you. =
I have
had no dealings with Gordon and don't know about the possibilities of a =
the article certainly referred to Gordon doing the work:-
Daytime details for Gordon Teigh are:-
The Alder Leicester Associates
The Granary
17a High Street
TS15 9BW
Tel: UK 1642 780 318
Fax: UK 1642 788 988
73 Roadster (HD&H)
75 V8 (DD)