> Being a bit more serious, one of our club members lives in the
> Miami area. He knows a guy with a BEAUTIFUL vette. This car
> lives in a special built garage, on jackstands to avoid
> compressing suspension, with an alarm on the building, all sorts
> of special locks on the car, etc.
> He came home one day to find the car in the garage, the opposite
> direction, with everything in place, stands, security and all.
> The car had 50 miles more put on it, and a not that read "We can
> get it any time we want to" When the desire is there, no
> obstacle is insurmountable. (Needless to say, he moved within
> weeks!)
I think this officially qualifies as an "urban legend". I heard the
same story, set in Miami also, except that it was a Mercedes chained
between two palm trees. Owner comes home, finds the car turned the
other way, rechained, with a note that says "When we want it, we'll
get it."
Any other good car-related myths out there? Feel free to modify
the stories to include LBC content, since they're not true anyway..
Scott Gardner