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Re: N.E. USA events for the British Car Enthusiast

To: David Deutsch <>
Subject: Re: N.E. USA events for the British Car Enthusiast
From: Wayne Buletza <>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 22:25:57 -0800
David Deutsch wrote:
> The website has been updated and is available for your 1997 and beyond
> calendar planning needs. Page is available at:
>  or
> Due to my new job requirering Saturdays, I regret that many events I've
> planned to attend in 1997 will not be possible. I continue to seek
> employment that will be a little better suited to my hobby. It appears
> my family has become quite selfish and wishes to have clean, dry, warm
> shelter and food everyday. Got to do, what I got to do.
> Hope the site continues to be a valuable resource to many. Remember to
> check the site for your club's events and if not included send along.
> Virginia and North Carolina events are now be added. Safety Fast, David
> Deutsch

Wait a minute!  Wait just one darn minute!  I thought you were a true
enthusiast David???  Working on Saturdays?  Working on Saturdays that
conflict with MG events?? I can't believe that food, housing and family
would take precidence over MG activities.  I am so disappointed.  I
thought I understood the essence of enthusiasm.  I sought out more
cars.  I sold more cars.  I tweeked and tightened and adjusted.  I went
on trips (with and without my spouse), half days, full days, two days,
three days or a week and more!  I bought a car hauler to move my MGs
from here to there.  I planned events.  I attended events.

You were my model David.  I am so very disappointed.  May your
enthusiasm for the octagon overcome your sense of responsibility to

Regards and some regrets,

Wayne Buletza
Charlotte MI

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