Dear MG Cognoscenti,
I have an engine problem that I would like to get some input from the list on.
Car `74 B 18V engine - bit smokey but runs OK.
Problem is a rather metallic intermittent rattle from the bowels of the engine.
It comes from the No. 4 Cylinder (distributor) end of the engine and sounds
slipping gears or metal to metal contact of some sort. OUCH !
The engine runs OK otherwise and does not drop revs or lose power when the
appears. It lasts maybe 30 seconds and then stops, it can reappear after
between one or five minutes but it's not at regular intervals.
The noise is accompanied by the rev counter swinging wildly although the engine
speed always remains constant ??????
Needless to say the car is in the garage and is not coming out again until this
is fixed !
Some other points of note -
1. The engine oil was contaminated with water prior to Christmas which I though
was condensation, but it worsened (even after an oil change) and so I'm now
thinking head gasket..
2. The car had also started to smoke a lot more just prior to the noise starting
3. If the engine was started and warmed and then switched off, when re-starting
a cloud of white smoke appears from the exhaust and the engine runs rough
10 seconds then is fine. (water ? head gasket ?)
4. Compression test with plugs out shows higher compression than the last test
did 6 months ago when the engine was fine ??? 1=150 2=155 3=160 4=150. Up
about 5 psi on each cyl from previous test. This is why I thought the water
was not head gasket when it first appeared.
I am taking the engine out next week to sort the head gasket and install some
new oil seals on the valves and to detain the engine bay - so this nasty noise
problem can hopefully be fixed whilst the job is underway.
Any help, suggestions, prayers would be most gratefully accepted.
Kevin `74 MGB