Mike Ellsworth wrote:
> Along this line, now that the GM electric cars are being delivered, can
> someone comment on how or where you can get them recharged? I imagine you
> get a home charging unit with the car, but do they have "public charging
> stations" or any such place? Anyone in CA. care to comment?
I haven't seen any advertising for "volting up" the GM ENV car in CA. I
have read that GM will NOT sell the car, but only lease it for about
$600 per month. That's why I claim they will be used only by retired,
wealthy liberals. I stick by my claim that for the next 20+ years, the
IC engine will not be replaced, but will continue to be refined in
performance and emmision reduction. I think the bureaucrats believe that
too, or there wouldn't be the push to get the "gross polluters" off the
road and get us all into new vehicles whether Detroit iron or rice
I like this topic, but maybe we should get Bardakis to start an electric
vehicle list. It could be quite lively, as I detect that the younger
members do think that the IC engine should "go away".
Bill Harkins
Fallbrook, CA