At 11:39 AM 2/1/97 -0500, Ed & Kris Curtis wrote:
>I have followed with interest the tread on electric heaters for MGs. I
>have recently aquired a heater that was made in the USA for installation
>in T-series cars. It was made by Arnold and was available concurrently
>with the TD and TF.
>I have very little information about these heaters and would like to
>learn more about them. What little I have been able to find out is that
>they were built by a man in Chicago who owned an appliance manufacturing
>firm who liked MGs so much that he had to get a dealership. He offered
>these heaters as a dealer option.
>Questions: How were they mounted inside the car? The one I have came
>with an adapter to take fluid off the back plate of the engine. Is this
>useful? How good were the heaters at warminf the car?
>Ed Curtis
Ed, I will leave the connection details to others. My heater on the TF is a
joke. The car allows so much outside air penetration around the top and
side curtains, that I never bother with it.
The type of heater you have was made by Wacky Arnolt's company. You should
get a good MG History and join the New England T register.(They are on
line). Arnolt is most famous for having built about 100 TD Arnolts, which
were TD's bodied by the then struggling Italian designer, Bertone. They are
beautiful and treasured cars at any MG meet, and are as handsome and
contemporary in looks today as they were 40 years go. Wish I had one. Hope
your heater is better than mine, Geoff is more optimistic.
Mike Leckstein.
Mike Leckstein