Quite the contrary, regarding your spelling. Check Webster's New
Collegiate Dictionary. Break: to stop or bring to an end suddenly;
halt; interrupt or suspend.
So, your application of the word "breaks" was not incorrect.
(read again my previous e-mail to you, if you can tolerate the
humor (?)) ;)
Mike (spend your vacation @ tsu) Lambdin
>Fellow fiends:
>A few of my fellow listers have been kind enuf to point out my obvious
>typographical error regarding the efficiency with which the average
>modern car "breaks." Indeed, I meant to say "brakes" as in stops. I
>don't know how much more of this I can stand; I've suffered the
>criticisms of good spellers for years, starting with Mrs. Drake back in
>second grade. Right now I'm going to log off, close the door, turn the
>lights off and just be alone for a while, where its nice and soft and
>quiet and peacful and...
>Will "needs vacation" Zehring