Anybody read Peter Egan this month in Road and Track? I enjoy his view on
life. If I remember correctly, though the MGB he bought a few years back
(and sold to finance his race car) didn't crap out on him on the way home
and it was a lot more used up than the P*r*che he describes this month.
I especially like his wife's attitude towards the whole thing. My SO has
always been fairly tolerant of the LBC's that I have had. My Sp*tfire died
several times and I even had to be rescued once but she always tolerated
it. She has even worn her MG earings that Santa brought although I don't
think she has ventured into public yet.
Its funny, but every time my Cor**tte broke, she would be angry for weeks
about "that piece of crap." I had a H*nda that left me stranded twice and
she wanted to get rid of it immediately. Maybe the LBC or old sports cars
in general have a calming effect.
I also liked Egan's rationalization for spending more to fix up a half-way
good example than he would have spent to buy the best one in existance. I
know that I have been caught in that situation more than once (and may be
again with my present ride). I used to just feel guilty about it but now I
can feel proud that I have taken up the noble quest of LBC preservation!
Bill Eastman
61 MGA