That was quite interesting. The laws vary from statet to state here on when
you must turn on your head lights. Oh by the way I don't know of any state
that allows you to actually drive with the just the parking lights, although
it is one of those things you don't usually receive a ticket for unless you
cause an accident etc.
The rear High intensity (Fog?) light is another story. We don't use them
here, I don't even know if they are legal! Anybody? I certainly recall
them from my time stationed in Germany. Used properly they are great and
really increase safety in poor visibility.
At 02:31 PM 1/4/97 GMT, you wrote:
>Another bit of British legal nonsense.
>It is legal to drive in poor daytime visibility with no lights at
>all. It is illegal to drive in the same conditions with just side
>lights. But it is legal to drive at night just on side lights.
>However it is noticeable that on motorways at least, the vast
>majority of drivers use headlights at the slightest sign of poor
>Unfortunately far too many people insist on using high-intensity rear
>lights at night as a matter of course, even though it is
>supposedly illegal to use them unless visibiliy is less than 100
>meters. They are absolutely lethal when used in traffic when it is
>73 Roadster (HD&H)
>75 V8 (DD)
Ross Overcash, 74B, NAMGBR 2-1172, Ayer, MA.