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Zen vs. Ta i Chi

Subject: Zen vs. Ta i Chi
From: (Philip M Haines)
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 13:59:30 EST
Good Afternoon and Happy New Year to All!

The new 1275 short block is safely nestled in the '72
midget. Although the motor mounts need to be tightened 
and all the stuff needs to be connected, I am taking a
In order to stop a transmission oil leak I've replaced the yoke
with a better one (cross my fingers), a new seal and new center
mount. Hope this does the trick! 
Yesterday, in a Ta i Chi sort of way I was moving the cherry
picker away from the bench where the old short block was
sitting, when it tumbled off into the kitty litter. I couldn't tell if 
it was in a fit of laughter or in a last ditch effort to commit suicide.
No trouble finding it.
Got up at noon today, fixed a pot of coffee and breakfast
and caught up on the digest. 
I would trade my '72 midget for a  Healey 3000  in similar
condition; even up of course :)

Just Plain Phil

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