William Eastman wrote:
> I have always been skeptical of the claims that Jacobs make in their
> advertising.
Yes, and they do make pretty big claims!
> Jacobs also claims to use newer technology than MSD. This may or may not
> be true but technology in itself will not give better performance. If the
> technology impacts one of the variables then it would be a benifit but
> Jacobs never makes a specific claim for better performance.
And in the fine print, Jacobs says they use an *analog* computer. As a
digital nerd myself, I would be real skeptical as to what an *analog*
computer might be in this day and age. It wouldn't have to be very much
at all.
> I had an MSD system on a Chrysler 440 once and it did give a more reliable
> idle with the performance camshaft. It also seemed to bog less off the
> line with sudden throttle openings. Other than that I couldn't say that it
> was an improvent.
Thanks for MSD feedback. Those things in your 440 are the same things
I'm living with in the C/GT (aggressive cam and Webers). I think an MSD
is in my future. And, after two years, the Spitfires are going in the
trash to be replaced with simple Champions.
> As alway my opinions (just like armpits, everyone has a couple and most of
> them stink) YMMV, I make no money off this.
Armpits, yeah, that is a different anatomical analogy...
> Regards
> Bill Eastman
Thanks for your usual thoughtful response.
Bob Allen, Kansas City, '69MGC/GT, '75TR6
*** Please assume all lines end with smiley face emoticon :-)
*** unless passage contains improbable anatomical action phrases
*** in which case the raspberry emoticon can be implied ;^P***