Paul Hunt wrote:
> >Started putting my '66 MGB back together a few weeks ago and am at a
> >loss getting the doors to align properly. The passenger side door is
> >offset outward at the top by 1/2 " measured from the top of the
> >windscreen. The misalignment is not in the quarterlight but the door
> snip
> I have been told that even with all this adjustment
> the factory still had some kind of bar that they used to twist the
> door to get it to sit square. I didn't have a bar so had to resort
> to a system of jacks and timbers against the garage walls.......One wing
> my Roadster was too high and I had to slacken all the bolts and jack
> the car up with a timber between the top of the wing and the garage
> roof to get it to line up, then tighten all the bolts.
Geez Paul! Reading this, I'm sure I've been too gentle with my 71 B
(door, wing, sill alignment).
Paul H