With advice from some on the list, I replaced my disintegrated crank
pulley with a balancer from a B. 'Long wit', the B timing cover and seal.
Ooooooo, neopreen seal.... Anyway, just one word, "Do it." I mean
"smooooooth". This mod is BarneyMG approved and he says it was actually
used on some factory 1622s so my car is less of a bastard than I had
feared. (It's nearly stock!) It should also not dump oil out the front
of my engine like with the old felt seal. As George pointed out, you
have to use the flat B oil slinger with the B timing cover. Fortunately
I happened to have one -- on the crank, behind the A slinger! Anyway, I
got all the Ford blue spray paint off the cover and balancer and painted
them "correct". I seemed to drive much better this morning. I took
about 45 minutes to drive to work the roundabout way. It's just a mile,
I usually walk.
Kevin Sullivan -- 1960 MGA kevins@khoral.com
Khoral Research Inc. http://www.khoral.com
Albuquerque NM USA