I owned 5 Fiats : 4 - Spider 2000's (124s) and 1 - 128 wagon, I wish I
still had the wagon. All were totaled in accidents and 4 when they were
stationary, stop sign, red light(2) and parked in front of house. The
one when I was moving was a high speed accident which left me
stationary for 7 months. I do feel that had I been in, one of many
other cars, I would have lost my life. I like my MGs much more than the
spiders, even though they do not have the same power(dual overhead cam
aluminum engine) and a 5th gear. When I get my 75 B back next month,
with the overdrive in it, I'll probably not think about missing 5th
anymore. Safety Fast, David Deutsch
You wrote:
>>>>Jay Quinn said:
> > Anyway, one of my sisters bought a Fiat 131 Sedan.
> > She kept it for 10 years, put 125k miles on it with no problems and
> > got a good dollor on the car when she sold it. She also hammered
it worse
> > than I hammered a few cars of my own. The car had the last laugh.
>Berry wrote:
>I had a 131 too; it was a great car, never gave us a lick of trouble
for three
>years until it died protecting my then-18-month old son from a crazed
>17-year-old camaro driver. FIAT was totalled, dad and son unharmed.
>drove the heck out of it too; up and down california, 100mph through
>desert, woohoo!
>Not a TR6, but pretty darn nice for a 4-door sedan.
> --berry
>Berry Kercheval :: kerch@parc.xerox.com :: Xerox Palo Alto Research