Your right - the seats are "handed" and whats more, so are the foams - being
cambered differently on each side (to ease clutch change - i believe..) - it
feels "odd" to drive with the wrong seat - also if the tilt handle is on the
inside, it fouls the tunnel.
As to fenders - being a transplanted Brit ve learned that these are wings -
the only real difference is at the point where they join the windscreen, a GT
being fixed does not need access (however bloody impossible!) so has a more
rigid dog-leg joint and about three extra bolts.
just so you know, a GT wing can be cut to fit a roadster - but not the other
way round
though in truth it could make the sacrelige essays going about..
the doors ARE interchangable if you strip them right down - the internals and
door caps are not but the shells need very little modification and look just
fine after rebuilding.
Speaking as one who refurbishes and paints trim screws though-
mike robson
69 roadster
73 BGT