Hi all
Just thought I should intoduce myself to you all , been here a week or so and
sent some answers
>From Scotland
Have MGB roadster '72 with 3.5 V8 in it & '83 Mini Van with 1100cc in it.
I have a terrible problem which most of you seem to have - wasting great deal of
time and money on old cars is there a cure ? apart from something drastic like
marriage that is!! Unfortunately I have pleny experience with the following
cars and I will be happy to assit with any problems you have , here goes then
minis (cars van and pickups at one time or another and a 1275 GT) MGB roadsters
and GT Triumph Dolomite{washing mouth out with soap now!} and a Rover P6 V8 (15
mpg +130 mph , on the straights!)
Well of to break something thats working so I can fix it again
oh does anyone have a Genuine unused front panel for a mini van???
and does any one know how to set up an LSD in a MGB rearaxle { salsbury axle ,
quaife diff}