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Re: Kai's Triumph Flaw

Subject: Re: Kai's Triumph Flaw
From: (David Deutsch)
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 15:37:55 -0800
Hey Doug

How long you been off of Long Island? Just courious because I happen to 
be a newly elected director of MGCC-LIC and will just say "the times 
they are a changing". Problem was the club members were slowly and 
surely giving up MG ownership and the club was becoming a rally club. 
When Dave Blackwell (current vice-chairman) joined 6 years ago, he 
tells me, if there were 5 MGs in the whole club it was alot. There are 
now something like 75 cars belonging to it's close to 200 person 
membership. We have a dozen or so true enthusiasts that travel the 
North East attending shows, swap meets, vintage races and rallies. I 
have been with the club for eighteen months and am proud to tell you 
that the majority of the current board of directors are members with 4 
or less years membership. The best for last, we have several members 
who are triumph owners. At Vanderbuilt Concours I over heard one 
Triumph owner ask another "why do you belong to a MG club?" he answered 
"because they do stuff." I like seeing all kinds of British cars at our 
events. Sorry you were here in a completely different era. Safety Fast, 
David Deutsch             

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