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MG Reliability

Subject: MG Reliability
From: William Eastman <>
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 1996 10:01:49 -0600
One problem that I have had twice now with alternator equipped LBC's:
Both cars had the charging light come on.  The light would go out at high
RPM.  In both cases, the problem was cold solder joints in connecting the
internal rectifier to the alternator.  These are easy to fix but be sure to
head sink the connection because the rectifier is heat sensitive.

Other than these problems and the CEI packing up on my Spitfire, my LBC's
have been very reliable.  Other failures that I remember were either the
result of cheap replacement parts, ignorance of unique maintanance
requirement, or good old mechanical abuse.  Oh yeah, storage outside in
norther Minnesota is kind of tough on them, too.

Bill Eastman

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