The grapevine reached out this weekend and told me about a local club member
(southeastern Virginia) who had a 52 TD for sale. After getting to his
garage it turned out that the car was in fact a 52 TD but had a B engine and
trans hacked into it. Anyway, he was in the middle of a restoration and
then bought three MGA's to play with. So, he's looking to sell the TD.
Basically, this car has an excellent body tub that has been restored and
painted. The wood is excellent, the doors are hung, and the tub needs no
other work. The fenders and hood are also in good shape, but the frame will
need some serious welding if a TD drivetrain is to go back in. There are
also some odds and ends, but the car is not complete and an interior, dash,
and many other parts are needed. If you're looking for a reasonably priced
body, or an excellent body tub and don't want to buy a new one this may be a
steal. I think he'll let the whole thing go for $3-4000. If you're
interested e-mail me and I'll reply with all the contact information or
answer any questions I can.
Doug Kennedy
69B Primrose