Cleaning up my garage this weekend I took some extra time to clean up
the engine ID brass plate on a spare motor that I have been
moving from one place to another in the garage over the years.
This engine I found in the country many years ago and had always believed
it to be from a TD. It came dismantled with no crank, about 3 camshafts
and sundry bits and pieces, including the head.
The engine number I now find out to be XPAG 10378.
Now I understood that the TC engine run was XPAG 833 to XPAG 10835 (refer
>The Immortal T-Series< by Chris Harvey pp 230) in which case this would
make it a TC engine.
Mike Sherrell in his book >TC's Forever< on pp 77 identifies the first TC
engine as being XPAG 883.
Is there someone on the list who has a handle on XPAG engine numbers and
can tell me if XPAG 10378 (in pieces) is:
(a) a TC block; and if so
(b) the 457 th. last or the 507 th. last.
Regards to all
TC 6087