Does anyone know any details about the safety inspections for the Texas
World Speedway participation at College Station? My '57 MGA does not have
seat belts and I need to get busy if they are required. If I need them, any
particular flavor or just plain lap belts?
Check this out! I just bought my '57 about 3 weeks ago. Haven't had the
time to do anything to it yet (it's a spotted owl - primer and yellow). I
registered it at the Hill Country Triumph Club sponsored "All British Car
Day" last weekend here in Austin and won 2nd place. :-) There were only
two cars registered in my class. To top it off, my son won the grand raffle
prize ($250.00 gift certificate to NTW) New shoes or a nose job for the MGA!
Let me add here that the Hill Country Triumph Club really put on a great
event. Organization was EXCELLENT, everyone was NICE, everyone had a GREAT
TIME! It made my first experience at one of these events one to remember.
(Note 1: I have a pretty good start of a Classic car page on my Texas
SellNet web site, if anyone is looking to buy or looking to sell. I list
for free, so this isn't an "ad". Just trying to help out our members! I
took a bunch of pictures at the meet mentioned above and will be putting
those up somewhere on my site when I get them developed. )
Joseph C. Maloukis '57 MGA
Bat City Productions
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