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Message-ID: <3242D544.2B6@fls.infi.net>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 12:32:52 -0500
From: ckr <ragthyme@fls.infi.net>
Reply-To: ragthyme@fls.infi.net
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To: BERNZO@aol.com
Subject: Re: It lives, it breathes, it is very loud.
References: <960919111238_105691293@emout19.mail.aol.com>
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Congratulations, first. Good going!
Others will likely chime in about the timing issue; I leave that to
them. The coil should get pretty warm; think of the amount of
electricity running through it ... I wouldn't worry too much about that.
With a free-flow exhaust, the car should be pretty loud. My 75 has a
free-flow exhaust and a two-stage carb; at full chat it sounds a lot
like a motorcycle ... deep-throated and quite loud.
75 MGB 'Rags'