well I had my 79 "B" smogged yesterday here in Calif and to my surprise
it passed with only a little carb adjustment!! YIPPEE...BUT he told me
it would probably have a harder time in 2 years when this crap goes into
effect.He said I would need a new CAT.i still feel that we can stop this
extremist legislation if we all get together and write a lot of letters
especially in this election year.The smog guy was talking all the govt
line to me so I think he believes it..about how 75% of the smog is from
"gross polluters"yadda yadda yadda..BUT he didn't know about the
pollution credits which the big businesses will be allowed to use to
pollute even more at our expense when they "buy" our failed cars from
us.I am telling all my co-workers and friends and they don't seem to
believe what I am telling them but it is starting to get media coverage
so I hope more people will become aware of the potential danger to our
hobby (lifestyle?)The LA times had an editorial by some guy that was
amazed that the liberals wern't upset about this because it will affect
the poorer populations but what he didn't seem to get is that a lot of
"liberals" are also enviromentalists who feel as does our VP that the
automobile is inheirently evil and should be banned.Thanks for letting
me vent my spleen but I think it far easier to make a lot of noise
before the fact and stop this than try to get it stopped after its in