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Truncation of daily digests

Subject: Truncation of daily digests
From: (Paul D Kile)
Date: 06 Sep 96 08:08:08 PDT
I seem to have a problem with about one daily digest per week from 
this newsgroup.  It only partially arrives.  Most of the time I am 
missing at least half of the listed entries, but today's list (Friday 
9/6) was missing only the last entry (Lucas catalogues by John 
Hardy).  Of course that is the entry that I REALLY wanted to see!

What gives, and is anyone else having this problem?  I haven't sent 
this to the majordomo, since I'm sure it wouldn't understand such an 
involved explanation.  Bradakis, are you out there?

With my luck, someone will reply to this, but the reply will be missing 
from my digest!
my next digest

Paul D. Kile

(916) 355-5162
GenCorp Aerojet
POB 13222
Dept 5784 Building 20019
Sacramento, California 95813-6000

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