>>Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 11:25:59 -0500 (EST)
>>From: Murry J Mercier <mercierm@battelle.org>
>>Subject: Re[2]: TR6 Brake Master Cylinder
>>I would like to be a daily driver for all but the 'salty' months of
>>the year here in Ohio. The TR has an OD and HT which I hope will
>>increase the utility and comfort, not to mention the looks.
>>Given the above any advice on commercial rust proofing services?
>Don't know how much salt you use in Ohio, but up here in Ottawa,
>Ontario, Canada we use a lot!
>I've been using a company called Rust Check for all my cars for a number
>of years. They use a chemical spray which seems to be very effective
>based on my experience:
My body shop man swears by Rust Check. I plan to go to them when
my B is done (if ever). They claim that their treatment penetrates
into seams and all the nooks and crannies.
Bob Donahue, Still Stuck in the '50s
53 MG-TD under DIY restoration
71 MGB still in shop, 9 months and counting