. I am amazed how many of you own more than one MG!
>Where do you put them all?
>For the married folks on the list, how were you able to 'negotiate' the
>of so many toys?
>Andy 'three cars, two car garage' Slupecki
>78 B - in garage
>92 Camry (wife's car) - in garage
>86 Nissan P/U - in driveway
>MGA -- someday maybe?
Obviously you collect them slowly. I found that one can store 8 little british
MGs in a 23 by 60 ediface, and such a structure can be built relatively cheaply
with Texture 111. Of couse you need space, an understanding spouse, no other
hobbies or toys, an understanding spouse, understanding neighbors, an
understanding spouse ,a lot of time to build it youself or friends who know a
little about construction and lastly an understanding spouse. Where there is a
will there is a way.
Mike Leckstein
Mike Leckstein