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Re: Fiat Bashing/accident prone

Subject: Re: Fiat Bashing/accident prone
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 09:10:50 -0400
Although no sociologist, I think it's the general attitude of the American
driver that causes so many accidents.  Some experts have coined the phrase
"Road Rage."  I simply call it RUDENESS.  When did we lose respect for each
other? It seems everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, and if you're in the
way, beware.
I remember being taught to be a "defensive" driver, watch out for the other
guy, let others on the road know what you're doing, what direction you're
going, etc.  Now it seems they are teaching "offensive" driving screw the
other guy. I gotta get there, get the hell out of my way.
We Americans have a lot of rights, but I don't think that includes the right
to endanger the lives of others because you're late, or your having a bad
day, etc.  
Hey Detroit, why not make turn signals optional on American cars, it seems
like no one uses them anyway.
Thanks for letting me blow off some steam.


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