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re:What looks like this: \ \ ?

Subject: re:What looks like this: \ \ ?
From: Ulix Goettsch <>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 1996 17:21:54 -0700 (PDT)
On Wed, 7 Aug 1996, MIKE_J2@SFOV1.VERIFONE.COM wrote:

> >Ulix ("It corners great in right turns!")
> Ah, a man with a good attitude.  If we can't smile at our own mistakes then
> we should be doing something else.  Thanks, I needed that, had a marginally
> bad day at work and this brought everything back into perspective.
> Will we be seeing you on the circle track???????  :)
> mike.

Sure, Mike,
but I'll be coming at y'all from ahead, since I can only turn right
and circle tracks are counterclockwise, aren't they?

I better go put that rubber bumper on the front of my car...

Manic Mechanic Ulix
                     __/__,__         ________/____,,_______
................... (_o____o_) ..... (___ O _________ O ___/ ..............
                    '67 Sprite             '66 Caddy

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