In a message dated 96-07-20 14:35:51 EDT, 104071.2715@CompuServe.COM (Rolf R.
Radicke) writes:
<< According to what someone has posted on the MGcars WWW page,
<British Miles is a rip-off organization, and owner Tom Zofchak is
< a professional scam-man. The story had something to do
< about an MGA and a 500 dollar finders fee. I don't feel that
<because this guy heard from another guy that Tom gives finders
<fees, and because what that guy said could have been wrong
<that he should post his anger towards British Miles on the a WWW
<page. That in my opinion is very incorrect, esspecially since any one with
<computer and a modem can see it. I do agree that Tom is not the
<easiest person to get along with. If the person or persons who had
<anything to do with this would like to show their anger email British
<Miles at And I garuntee you that if you send email
< to them you will have answer. Hell, I'll see to it my self on Monday
< morning.
<Kai "a happy customer of British Miles" Radicke
<1966 MGB (under restoration)
You need to get a serious life, pal. Name those names! I, for one, am
getting quite tired of these "not so subtle" advertisements for your company.
You guys are not that clever and we are not that dumb. Go advertise
somewhere else.
Bruce " I thought this was supposed to be fun..." Durgin
64 'B