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LBC Abuse

Subject: LBC Abuse
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 1996 17:50:12 -0400 (EDT)

I've been in the hobby almost 25 years, my wife and I are married 30. She 
doesn't even drive a stick. The reason for our success is a combination of many 
things, but mainly brains and common sense.

First is the realization that the difference between men and boys are the price 
of their toys. We have good friends who had a great escalation in their income 
number of years ago. The husband became interested in MGs and his son had a 
On a trip with me the husband found a real neat TD for $10,000 Instead of 
it on the spot, he asked his wife.  She vetoed it as not practical. She has no 
problem buying sterling silver at similar prices without mentioning it to 
This is a guy who commutes to NYC and leaves at 7am to return a 8pm to make 
comfortable living. Result is unhappiness in a long term marriage. I see the 
look in his eye every time he sees me in an MG

Second. The hobby has many aspects to it, the largest is social. We now have 
friends all over the world whom we have met at GOF's ,conventions , and on 
vacations. She can't wait to see these friends and looks forward to the events.

Third,  My wife doesn't appreciate to mechanics and driving aspects of the 
hobby. Of course she loves a beautiful drive of reasonable length, but 
the weather and distance is beyond her endurance. This is compensated not only 
by the friends but the events. She plans our once a year MG program at our 
for the local club. Her interest in cooking led to a British Tea with a whole 
menu of British specialties this year. Her recipes for potted stilton and 
with Devon cream were the hit of her recipe net group not to mention the N.J. T 
registers members who had consumed them. Some wives are into sewing,(not mine) 
and sew all kind of MG related items that are auctioned at Gof's or added to 
their spouses car. 

Lastly my wife loves a challenge. She is most famous for organizing the Circuit 
of Britain in 1990. This undertaking of four years of planning, made her a 
legend in the hobby. She is now chapter coordinator of the NEMGTRegister 

The lesson is to challenge and channel your spouses interests (the sexes may be 
reversed) into some aspect of the hobby to give them enjoyment at some level. 
Temper this with compromise of what you do. We don't do TSD rallies because she 
doesn't like them. We never miss fun rallies as she loves puzzles and trick 
questions.( We usually win these ) I just like driving. 

I would guess like everything else in a marriage, both parties must have 
understanding but also must have some interest to make it work We are not 
isolated examples. 

Mike Leckstein

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