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Subject: MGB 1980 OVERDRIVE
From: Robert J Ryll <>
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 1996 11:12:16 +0200
Hi there enthusiasts!

Can anyone help with what I believe is an overdrive switching problem on 
a 1980 MGB Roadster. All of the sudden my overdrive does not kick in, no 
other symptoms. I dismantled the switch on the gear shift knob and found 
no current or voltage across the switch terminals (in any gear).Is there 
a fuse that could be blown on the line (checked the main 4-way switch 
box) or any way of easily checking the circuit. I presume one wire 
supplies 12v power to the switch which goes to the overdrive solenoid, 
then completing the ciruit by an earth to the unit. Could I bridge the
power line directly from the battery as a check?

Your input will be greatly appreciated!

Robert Ryll 
Cape Town

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