To Ray and all others who have been unlucky in love in the past,
I don't know if there is any correlation between MG owners and
divorces. I hope not, cause I look at divorce as having had poor
judgement. I would hate to think that this can be compared to car
selection. I think that for many of us that the cars are a major part
of our social lifes and in a social setting you usually get a little
more personal info about people. There are just an awful lot of
divorced people in all walks (or drives) of life. I had a funny feeling
all over my body the second time I got married and though it was love,
but turned out to be poison ivy. I was happily married for 3 days the
first time only problem was marrage continued another 5 years, 6
months, one week, two days, three hours, 46 minutes and 8 seconds
behind those first few days.
Safety Fast,
David (finally happily married) Deutsch